Theater Design (¹«´ë µðÀÚÀÎ)

  • ¿µ±¹¾ÆÆ®À¯ÇÐ
  • 21.06.02
  • 366,269

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Theater Design ¿¡ Æ÷ÇÔ µÈ Àü°ø

- Scaled precision model-making

- Puppetry

Recorded digital arts for Live Performance          

Story boarding for live performance

Events and Festival Design

Speculative Design for a Classic play

Sets and Props

Set design and Construction

Performance Installation

- Costumes

Lighting and Projection

- Sound

Scenography and Performance design

- Fabric dyeing

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- TV ¹æ¼Û ¹«´ë µðÀÚÀ̳Ê

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Nottingham Trent University (NTU)

NTU´Â ¿µ±¹ ³ëÆþö ½ÃƼ¼¾ÅÍ¿¡ À§Ä¡ÇÑ ´ëÇб³·Î 1843³â¿¡ Nottingham's Government Institute of DesignÀ¸·Î ¼³¸³µÇ¾î 100³âÀÌ ³Ñ´Â ¿ª»ç°¡ ÀÖ½À´Ï´ÙƯÈ÷, NTU ´ëÇÐÀÇ ¿¹¼ú & µðÀÚÀÎ °ü·Ã Àü°øµéÀº 2019³â °¡µð¾ðÁö ¼±Á¤ Art&Design ºÎºÐ ¿µ±¹ ·©Å· 8À§¿¡ ¸µÅ©µÇ¾ú°í, ´Ù¾çÇÑ ¿¹¼ú ¹× µðÀÚÀÎ ±â¾÷°ú ¿¬°è°¡ Àß µÇ¾îÀִ ´ëÇб³·Îµµ À¯¸íÇÕ´Ï´Ù.


BA Design for Stage and Screen (Design for Theatre and Live Performance)

BA Graphic Design

BA Costume Design & Making 

MA Graphic Design

MA Creative Technologies

Wimbledon College of Arts (UAL)

À«ºí´ø ¿¹¼ú Çб³´Â UAL ·±´ø¿¹¼ú´ëÇÐ ¼Ò¼ÓÀ¸·Î School of Foundation Studies, School of Fine Art, School of Theatre ¼¼ ºÐ¾ß·Î ºÐ·ùµÇ¸ç, °¢°¢ÀÇ ¹«´ë ±âȹ °ú¸ñÀ» Àü¹®ÀûÀÌ°í, ½Éµµ ÀÖ°Ô ´Ù·ç´Â Çб³·Î À¯¸íÇѵ¥¿ä, ƯÈ÷ School of Theatre ¼Ò¼ÓÀÎ ¹«´ë ¿¹¼ú °ü·Ã ÇаúµéÀÌ Àü¹®¼ºÀ¸·Î À¯¸íÇϸç, À«ºí´ø ¿¹¼úÇб³ÀÇ Á¹¾÷»ýµéÀº ¿µÈ­ ÀÇ»ó ºÎ¹®¿¡¼­ ÇÒ¸®¿ìµå ¿À½ºÄ«»óÀ» ºñ·ÔÇÏ¿© ¿µ±¹ÀÇ Oliver Award (¿Ã¸®¹ö»ó)°ú Turner Prize(Åͳʻó)¸¦ ¼ö»óÇÏ¿© À¯¸íÇϱ⵵ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

BA Theatre Design

BA Creative Technical Theater

BA Costume for Theatre & Screen 

BA Production Arts for Screen

BA Technical Arts for Theatre and Performance  

BA Contemporary Theatre and Performance

BA Performance: Design and Practice

MA Theatre Design

MA Theatre and Production Design

University of Creative Arts (UCA)

¿µ±¹¿¡¼­ 160³âÀÇ ¿ª»ç¸¦ ÀÚ¶ûÇÏ´Â ¸í¹® °ø¸³ ¿¹¼ú´ëÇб³·Î¼­ 2005³âµµ¿¡ The Kent Institute of Art & Design°ú The Surrey Institue of Art & Design, The University college ¼¼ ±â°üÀÌ ÇÕÃÄÁ® ÇöÀçÀÇ The University for the Creative ArtsÀÌ µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù. UCA´Â ¼ø¼ö¹Ì¼úºÎÅÍ, ÆмÇ, °ÇÃà, ¹«´ë µðÀÚÀÎ µî ¿¹¼ú °ü·ÃÇؼ­ ´Ù¹æ¸éÀÇ Àü°øÀ» Á¦°øÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, ƯÈ÷ ÆмÇ, ¿µ»óÁ¦ÀÛ, »çÁø Àü°øÀº ¿µ±¹´ëÇÐ Top 10 ¾È¿¡ µé Á¤µµ·Î ³ôÀº ¼öÁØÀ» ÀÚ¶ûÇÏ°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

BA Design for Theatre & Screen

BA Graphic Design

MA Graphic Design 

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