아트대학교 입학실적


2019년 영국 아트 유학 학생 입학 결과

페이지 정보

작성자 영국아트유학
댓글 0건 조회 230,900회 작성일 20-06-17 16:23



2019 9월 입학
이름 학교 과정명
J. Lim Sotheby london Art manangement

H. Kim 

Goldsmiths, University of London 

Fine Arts(extension) 

Glasgow School of Art Sculpture & Environment Art

H. Kwak 

Goldsmiths, Unviersity of London 

J. Lee 


Bath Spa University Design (Ceramics)
T. Bang Northumbria Foundation Art and Design
H. Yu GSA BA Architecture
Sheffield BA Architecture
J. Lee Coventry University
H. Kim Goldsmiths, Unviersity of London Fine art Extension
T. Kim RCA MA Design Product
Y. Jeong LCC Foundation Art and Design
Goldsmiths, University of London Foundation
S. Kim GSA International Foundation Programme
Goldsmiths, University of London Fine Art Extension
J. Lee Northumbria University Design for Industry BA (Hons)
J. Lim Goldsmiths, University of London Fine art Extension
Glasgow School of Art Foundation
S. Nam Chelsea College of Arts MA Curating and Collections
Goldsmiths, Unviersity of London MA Contemporary Art Theory
T. Lee Northumbria University International Foundation
NTIC Foundation - BSc Product Design
GSA International Foundation
UBIC Foundation - 3D Design & Craft
Oncampus Coventry
H. Jang Goldsmiths, Unviersity of London Extension
GSA International Foundation
H. Lim Goldsmiths, University of London Extension
Glasgow School of Art Foundation
S. Ham GSA International Foundation Programme
Kingston Foundation
Goldsmiths Extension
Camberwell Foundation
H. Yoo LCF Menswear
Ravensbourne University Fashion Design
Westminter University Fashion Design
Kingston University Fashion Design
Middlesex University Fashion Design
A. Cho GSA MFA Fine Art
Goldsmiths, University of London MFA Fine Art
Y. Kim Goldsmiths, University of London BA design
LCF BA Creative Direction for Fashion
LCC BA Design for Art Direction
H. Kim Goldsmiths, University of London MA Filmmaking (Directing  Fiction)
Bournemouth University MA Directing Film & Television
J. Lim LIPA Foundation_popular music
Goldsmiths, University of London
Y. Wang GSA International Foundation Programme
Goldsmiths, University of London Fine Art Extension
J. Park AA School Architecture
Y. Jo London College of Fashion Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear BA (Hons)
DeMonfort University Fashion Design BA (Hons)
Nottinghum Trent University Fashion Design BA (Hons)
Westminter University Fashion Design (Sandwich Year) BA (Hons)
N. Cho London College of Fashion
G. Min Goldsmiths, Unviersity of London Art management
DeMonfort University Art and Festival Management
London College of Communication(LCC) Design management
S. Kim RCA MA Painting
Glasgow sch of Art  Fine art
Chelsea College of Arts MA Fine art
S. Lim RCA Interior Design
Coventry University Interior Design
C. Nam GSA
Nottinghum Trent University
LCF Fashion Foundation
J. Yang LCF Fashion photography
LCC Photography
Kingston University Photography
CSM Fashion communication and promotion
Camberwell colleges of art Fine art photography
T. Kim GSA BA Fine Art
J. Sim RCA MA Service Design
H. Jeong RCS MA Musical Theatre 
Y. Choi RCS BMus Keyboard
H. Cheong RCS MMus Keyboard
N. Lee RCS MMus Keyboard
S. An Goldsmiths, University of London Contemporary Art Theory
UCL History of Art
E. Cho CSM Womenswear fashion
B. Kwon RCS MMus Opera
RAM MMus Opera
H. Kim East 15 acting school MFA acting (international)
S. Lee Goldsmiths, University of London Fine art year 1
Glasgow school of art Sculpture and environmental art year 2
J. Kim Glasgow School of Art Foundation
Goldsmiths, University of London Extension
B. Kyeong Slade UCL BFA Fine art
H. Song RCA Product Design
C. Lee Royal conservatoire of Scotland Keyboard
N. Han RCA Ceramic & glass
G. Park Royal College of Art Interior Design
Pratt Interior Design
M. Kang Newcastle University Architecture
H. Moon KIC 파운데이션_ 시티대학 Art management
Goldsmiths, University of London IFC
H. Jang Goldsmiths, Unviersity of London BMus/BSc Music Computing
M. Kim 스코틀랜드 왕립예술원 뮤지컬 연출
Goldsmiths, University of London MA Directing
Y. Kim Noriwich University of the Art Film and Moving Image Production(including Year 0)
University of Kent Film Studies
J. Park Nottingham Trent University (NTU) Foundation (Fashion Marketing)
Y. Kang Brighton University Fine Arts
Glasgow of Art Fine Arts
W. Hong DeMonfort University Foundation 1월_industrial design
Northumbria University BA Industrial design
B. Kim Goldsmiths, University of London Product Design
A. Oh UCL Slade BFA Fine Art
Goldsmiths, University of London BA Fine Art
Chelsea College of Arts BA Fine Art
Total 5건 1 페이지
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