런던 예술대학교 UAL (University of the Arts London)
페이지 정보
학교 소개
UAL 런던예술대학교는 예술, 디자인, 패션, 미디어 커뮤니티, 공연예술에 대한 연구를 전담하는 6개의 특성별 컬리지로 유럽 최대의 예술대학입니다. 가장 인지도 높은 세인트 마틴(St Martins) 대학은 Stella McCartney, Louise Wilson, Hohn Galliano, Alexander McQueen을 포함한 예술과 패션계에 거장들은 지속적으로 배출해 내고 있으며, 이 외 캠버웰 예술대학, 첼시와 윔블던 예술대학, 런던 커뮤니케이션 대학 그리고 런던 패션대학이 연합한 아트 앤 디자인 대학이 있습니다. 영국의 권위있는 예술상인 터너상 수상자 절반 이상이 UAL 출신이며, 영국 디자이너 상 수상자 2/3가 동문입니다. 또한 10명의 동문이 오스카 상을 수상 하였고, 30명이 BAFTA 수상에 이름을 올리는 등 글로벌 시장에서 폭넓은 동문과 성과를 보여주고 있습니다. 더하여 세계적인 도시 런던에 위치한 UAL은 패션 리서치 부문 1위로 인정받으며 예술, 패션, 디자인, 커뮤니케이션 관련 분야에 성공적인 과정을 이루어 내고 있습니다.
학교 정보
웹사이트 : https://www.arts.ac.uk/
학교위치 : https://www.arts.ac.uk/students/locations-and-opening-times
학생수/비율 : 약 19,000명
기숙사 : https://www.arts.ac.uk/study-at-ual/accommodation
파운데이션 코스
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
시작일 : September 2022
코스 : 1year - full time
컬리지 : Central Saint Martins
필요 조건 : IELTS 5.0 ( 모든 과목 4.5 이상 ), 개인 포트폴리오
비용 ( 매년 변동 ) : £18,850
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
시작일 : September 2022
코스 : 1year - full time
컬리지 : Camberwell College of Art
비용 ( 매년 변동 ) : £18,850
Level 3 : International Introduction to the Study of Design, Media and Screen
시작일 : September 2022, February 2023
코스 : 15 weeks
컬리지 : London College of Communication
필요 조건 : IELTS 5.0 ( 모든 과목 4.5 이상 ), 개인 포트폴리오
비용 ( 매년 변동 ) : £14,140
Level 3 International : Introduction to the Study of Fashion
시작일 : September 2022
코스 : 1year
컬리지 : London College of Fashion
파운데이션 코스
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design Art Drawing and Conceptual Practice Painting Photography and Time-Based Media Sculpture Communication Animation and Film Graphic Design Illustration Design Design for Theatre, Screen and Performance Textile Craft 3D, Product and Spatial Design | Foundation Diploma in Art and Design Curriculum Area : 3-Deimensional Design and Architecture Architectrue and Spatial Design Jewellery, Footwear and Fashion Accessories Product Design and Ceramics Curriculum Area : Fashion and Textiles Fashion Textiles Curricullum Area : Fine Art Painting Sculpture 4D Curricullum Area : Graphic Communication Design Graphic Design Photography and Moving Image Illustration and Printmaking Fashion Communication | Level 3 : International Introduction to the Study of Design, Media and Screen Courses that you can apply to within the Design School include: BA (Hons) Design for Art Direction BA (Hons Design for Branded Spaces BA (Hons) Design Management BA (Hons) Graphic and Media Design BA (Hons) Graphic Branding and Identity BA (Hons) Illustration and Visual Media BA (Hons) Interaction Design Arts BA (Hons) User Experience Design Courses that you can apply to in the Media School include: BA (Hons) Advertising BA (Hons) Photography BA (Hons) Journalism BA (Hons) Contemporary Media Cultures BA (Hons) Media Communications BA (Hons) Magazine Journalism and Publishing BA (Hons) Public Relations Courses that you can apply to within the Screen School include: BA (Hons) Animation BA (Hons) Games Design BA (Hons) Games Art BA (Hons) Film and Television BA (Hons) Film Practice BA (Hons) Film and Screen Studies BA (Hons) Sound Arts |
진학 가능한 코스
Central Saint Martins BA (Hons) Acting – Drama Centre London BA (Hons) Architecture BA (Hons) Ceramic Design BA (Hons) Culture, Criticism and Curation BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion Communication and Promotion BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion History and Theory BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion Journalism BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: History and Theory BA (Hons) Fashion: Design with Knitwear BA (Hons) Fashion: Design with Marketing BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design Menswear BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design with Knitwear BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design Womenswear BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Print BA (Hons) Fine Art - Central Saint Martins BA (Hons) Graphic Communication Design BA (Hons) Jewellery Design BA (Hons) Performance: Design and Practice BA (Hons) Product Design BA (Hons) Textile Design MA Directing | London College of Fashion International Preparation for Fashion (Certificate in Higher Education) BA (Hons) Fashion Imaging and Illustration BA (Hons) 3D Effects for Performance and Fashion BA (Hons) Bespoke Tailoring BA (Hons) Cordwainers Fashion Bags and Accessories: Product Design and Innovation BA (Hons) Cordwainers Footwear: Product Design and Innovation BA (Hons) Costume for Performance BA (Hons) Creative Direction for Fashion BA (Hons) Fashion Buying and Merchandising BA (Hons) Fashion Contour BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Development BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Menswear BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear BA (Hons) Fashion Jewellery BA (Hons) Fashion Journalism BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing BA (Hons) Fashion Media Practice and Criticism BA (Hons) Fashion Pattern Cutting BA (Hons) Fashion Photography BA (Hons) Fashion Public Relations and Communication BA (Hons) Fashion Sportswear BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Production BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Embroidery BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Knit BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Print BA (Hons) Fashion Visual Merchandising and Branding BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Fashion BA (Hons) Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics for Performance BSc (Hons) Fashion Management BSc (Hons) Psychology of Fashion | London College of Communication BA (Hons) Advertising BA (Hons) Animation BA (Hons) Contemporary Media Cultures BA (Hons) Design for Art Direction BA (Hons) Design for Branded Spaces BA (Hons) Design Management BA (Hons) Film and Screen Studies BA (Hons) Film and Television BA (Hons) Film Practice BA (Hons) Games Design BA (Hons) Graphic and Media Design BA (Hons) Graphic Branding and Identity BA (Hons) Illustration and Visual Media BA (Hons) Interaction Design Arts BA (Hons) Journalism BA (Hons) Magazine Journalism and Publishing BA (Hons) Media Communications BA (Hons) Photography BA (Hons) Photojournalism and Documentary Photography BA (Hons) Public Relations BA (Hons) Sound Arts BA (Hons) User Experience Design BA (Hons) Virtual Reality |
Camberwell College of Arts BA (Hons) Fine Art Drawing BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting BA (Hons) Fine Art Photography BA (Hons) Fine Art Sculpture BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Illustration BA (Hons) Interior and Spatial Design FdA Graphic Design FdA Illustration | Chelsea College of Arts BA (Hons) Fine Art - Chelsea BA (Hons) Graphic Design Communication BA (Hons) Interior Design BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design BA (Hons) Textile Design | Wimbledon College of Arts BA (Hons) Fine Art - Chelsea BA (Hons) Graphic Design Communication BA (Hons) Interior Design BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design BA (Hons) Textile Design |
유명 졸업생
알렉산더 맥퀸 : 영국 패션 디자이너
존 갈리아노 : 영국 패션 디자이너
스텔라 매카트니 : 잉글랜드 패션 디자이너
마크 제이콥스 : 미국 패션 디자이너
지미 추 : 말레이시아 패션 디자이너
Student Life
학생 서비스 : https://www.arts.ac.uk/students/student-services
도시 정보
영국의 수도이자 세계 최대 도시로 손꼽히는 곳. 영국의 정치, 경제, 문화, 교통의 중심지 입니다.
도시 사이트 https://www.visitlondon.com/
지역 신문 https://www.bbc.com/news/england/london
지역 페스티벌 정보 https://www.timeout.com/london/music-festivals/the-best-music-festivals-in-london